
The Essentials of Electrical Safety

People should respect electricity and ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved


The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:

  • Unable to determine IP address from host name

    The DNS server returned:

    Name Error: The domain name does not exist.

    This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct.

    Your cache administrator is

  • webmaster
  • .

    Avoid Moisture

    Electrical appliances need to be kept away from moisture. Water on appliances, ; } #dirlisting tr.entry td.icon,td.filename,td.size, { border-bottom: groove; } #dirlisting td.size { width: 50px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; } /* horizontal lines */ hr { margin: 0; } /* page displayed footer area */ #footer { font-size: 9px; padding-left: 10px; } body :lang(fa) { direction: rtl; font-size: 100 in the ground nearby or on a person’s hands can result in electrocution. Appliances should be checked to ensure they don’t contain exposed wires, as this further heightens the risk of ; } /* Page displayed body content area */ #content { padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; } /* General text */ p { } /* error brief description */ #error p { } /* some data which may have caused the problem */ #data { } /* the error message received from the system or other software */ #sysmsg { } pre { font-family:sans-serif; } /* special event: FTP / Gopher directory listing */ #dirmsg { font-family: courier; color: black; font-size: 10pt; } #dirlisting { margin-left: 2 electrocution for the user.

    Test circuits

    Electrical circuits should be tested by a qualified electrician to ensure they are safe. Industrial sites often have complex circuits with many potential risk areas, and these must be addressed by someone with experience. Always ensure that sockets have safety covers when not in use.


    Electrical equipment needs to be grounded correctly to ; margin-right: 2 reduce the risk of electrocution.


    Electrical equipment should be regularly maintained to repair wear and tear. Damaged components such as worn wires can result in electrocutions or electrical fires if not replaced.